Positive Thinking Techniques
Positive thinking makes you less stressed and happy. When you are optimistic, you are able to handle everyday stress in a constructive way. That ability may contribute to the widely observed health benefits of positive thinking. When you ask how is positive thinking possible, there are a number of positive thinking techniques that can help. You need to believe that positive thinking can be learned.
It may take some time, but it is definitely possible with the right positive thinking technique. Check below, few positive thinking techniques you can use in to be think positive.
Replace the negative thought with the positive whenever you catch yourself thinking negative thoughts. Stop when you recognise a negative thought. Start to say no to your negative thinking. At first this might not seem to make much difference, but if you start to consciously replace negative thoughts with positive ones then you'll really start to change your mindset over a period of time. Try to disregard and ignore negative thoughts. Refuse to think such thoughts, and substitute them with constructive happy thoughts.
One technique to think more positively, is to become aware of your negative “self talk” and replace negative thoughts with positive ones.
What to do:
• Pay attention to your thoughts.
• Write down negative thoughts
•Develop positive statements to replace negative ones
• Use positive words such as happy, peaceful, loving, enthusiastic, and warm.
• Avoid negative words such as worried, frightened, upset, tired, bored, not, never, can’t.
• Always use the present tense, e.g., “I am healthy, I am well, I am happy.
• Believe yourself and say yourself “I believe”.
• In your conversation use words that evoke feelings and mental images of strength, happiness and success.
Practicing positive self-talk will improve your outlook.
*Reinforce the Positive Thought
Repeating positive thoughts will make them stronger.
Another positive thinking technique to improve positive thinking is to visualize your future success. Don’t fear of their failure, even before starting. Indulging in this kind of negative thinking may actually lead to their failure, and hence this should be totally avoided. Make plan what you want to achieve, visualize how you will like to see yourself after some years. Whenever you start feeling, you may not be able to achieve something, just visualize your dream and you will be all charged up to achieve it.
*Motivate yourself.
Your day is yours to control, you are at the whim of circu
mstance only in so much as you choose to respond to circumstance. Plan work for the day ahead and use the power of those tasks to motivate yourself you will feel much more in control in your work environment. This extra security will help build your self confidence and help you to see things more positively. Motivation comes from knowing we have a task that will challenge us, is not insurmountable, and will provide a valuable outcome. Learn more on what is motivation
*Positive Media
The more you listen to positive songs, watch positive movies and see positive images the more will you become a positive thinker. Music can dramatically change your mood and your thinking style that’s why special care should be taken before selecting the songs you are going to listen too. Read at least one page of inspiring book every day. Watch movies that make you feel happy.
* Associate Yourself With People Who Think Positively
When a person is in the company of people who think positively, it spreads to him too, making him feel good about himself. On the other hand, negative thinkers, will surely affect you in a negative way. So, always try to be with people who think and speak positively.
I hope these positive thinking techniques will be helpful to you. Changing the negative thoughts you have about yourself to positive ones takes time and persistence. If you use this technique consistently, you will notice that you don’t think these negative thoughts about yourself as much. Accept the challenges of life positively, as they are important steps towards learning and also to achieve success.
Recommended Reading:
Power of Positive Thoughts
How to Improve Positive Thinking
It may take some time, but it is definitely possible with the right positive thinking technique. Check below, few positive thinking techniques you can use in to be think positive.
Positive Thinking Techniques
* Replace Negative Thoughts With positive onesReplace the negative thought with the positive whenever you catch yourself thinking negative thoughts. Stop when you recognise a negative thought. Start to say no to your negative thinking. At first this might not seem to make much difference, but if you start to consciously replace negative thoughts with positive ones then you'll really start to change your mindset over a period of time. Try to disregard and ignore negative thoughts. Refuse to think such thoughts, and substitute them with constructive happy thoughts.
One technique to think more positively, is to become aware of your negative “self talk” and replace negative thoughts with positive ones.
What to do:
• Pay attention to your thoughts.
• Write down negative thoughts
•Develop positive statements to replace negative ones
• Use positive words such as happy, peaceful, loving, enthusiastic, and warm.
• Avoid negative words such as worried, frightened, upset, tired, bored, not, never, can’t.
• Always use the present tense, e.g., “I am healthy, I am well, I am happy.
• Believe yourself and say yourself “I believe”.
• In your conversation use words that evoke feelings and mental images of strength, happiness and success.
Practicing positive self-talk will improve your outlook.
*Reinforce the Positive Thought
Repeating positive thoughts will make them stronger.
- Repeat the positive thought over and over to yourself, write the positive thought over and over.
- Share the positive thought with another person who can affirm that the positive is true and who can also help you reinforce the thought
- Make signs that say the positive thought and place them in places where you will see them often
Another positive thinking technique to improve positive thinking is to visualize your future success. Don’t fear of their failure, even before starting. Indulging in this kind of negative thinking may actually lead to their failure, and hence this should be totally avoided. Make plan what you want to achieve, visualize how you will like to see yourself after some years. Whenever you start feeling, you may not be able to achieve something, just visualize your dream and you will be all charged up to achieve it.
*Motivate yourself.
Your day is yours to control, you are at the whim of circu

*Positive Media
The more you listen to positive songs, watch positive movies and see positive images the more will you become a positive thinker. Music can dramatically change your mood and your thinking style that’s why special care should be taken before selecting the songs you are going to listen too. Read at least one page of inspiring book every day. Watch movies that make you feel happy.
* Associate Yourself With People Who Think Positively
When a person is in the company of people who think positively, it spreads to him too, making him feel good about himself. On the other hand, negative thinkers, will surely affect you in a negative way. So, always try to be with people who think and speak positively.
I hope these positive thinking techniques will be helpful to you. Changing the negative thoughts you have about yourself to positive ones takes time and persistence. If you use this technique consistently, you will notice that you don’t think these negative thoughts about yourself as much. Accept the challenges of life positively, as they are important steps towards learning and also to achieve success.
Recommended Reading:
Power of Positive Thoughts
How to Improve Positive Thinking
We must look to take advantage of more opportunities, rather than develop self pity and fear. Putting yourself and mind into better situations can help with positive thinking. It requires strength and willpower within yourself as well. Being positive when things are going bad can be tough to do. But
Thank you for useful information on "Positive thinking techniques".
Positive thinking techniques are perfect for boosting self confidence and showing our abilities in their full range. It is important to think positive to rediscovering our inner confidence and improving self-esteem.
*Learn to relax naturally and to approach difficult situations in a calmer manner. If you can start to approach day to day situations by taking a deep breath and saying something very positive to yourself, almost as an automatic reflex, then doubts will start to evaporate and self confidence will grow.
Thank You for well written Positive Thinking Techniques- I am sure this will be helpful to many.
Hi thanks, to all for your comment and positive feedback.
Thinking positively allows you to channel positive energy within you. Positive thoughts help to promote positive attitude and elevate your mood.
This is impressive post on Positive Thinking Techniques, i am sure this will be helpful to many.
Good post on positive thinking technique.
These positive thinking techniques is well explained in better way. I will follow this.
-Believe in yourself and your ability to succeed, and you will surely succeed....Thank you.
Thanks alot for this inspiring post of Techniques for Thinking Positive.
Beautiful post on Positive Thinking Techniques. This is so helpful.
Thinking positive brings happiness.
Think positive live positive.
Excellent!!. This is truly helpful techniques which one can follow to have positive thinking.
Thank you
Very motivating. These positive thinking methods are much helpful..Thank you.